Dear Poe

Nu är jag äntligen färdig med han, tack o adjö!! blev väl inte super nöjd, vet att jag kunde göra den mycket bättre, men att ha både Poe, Shakespeare och en massa fråger i samma assgnment tyckte jag var dåligt gjort och det var en tung uppgift för mig, som jobbar mer en heltid! och har annan engelska att tänka på, men nu är drt färdigt, kanske måste kompletara lite, men det får vi ta då. nästa assgnment är väl lite roliage:

here it comes:

Task 1

Now that you know what to think of when reading and analyzing an article, you should write an article of your own. The article is to be published in a newspaper, either a tabloid or a broadsheet. The topic is a "hot issue" or a sensational current event inspired by one of the 3 texts in chapter 5.

You can get more help on how to write in the exercise section-Writing chapter 3 and the Resource Section: On Newspapers. Make also use of the part on linking words. The article should contain approx. 400 words. If you read all the texts of the chapter and do all the exercises, it will help you improve your language. Make sure to check your spelling before you hand in the assignment.

Task 2

In the Exercise Section there is an interview with Stephen Hawking to listen to. Listen to the interview following the instructions under Listen and react. Hand in part B with your comments on the exercise. Was it difficult to understand? Did you have to listen to it many times? Why/why not?


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